BOOM! just like that the market takes back 75% of the losses it dished out last week. We showed the chart below on Friday of last week, what we saw was a spike in 1-month lows. Typically these short-term spikes lead to dead cat bounces that lately have been turning into V-shape rallies.
The hardest part about these quick sell-offs is finding stocks to buy that are technically set-up properly. The easiest thing to do is to buy the indices. You won’t miss the bounce if you buy the SPY, QQQ, DIA, or IWM, and if you have some index ETF exposure you won’t feel like the market is running away from you, your back won’t be against the wall to put on some positions just to keep up with the Joneses (SP500). The index ETF’s will give the necessary exposure you need until stocks technically set-up again which can be days to weeks later.
I only have a few stocks on my swing trading watch-list today, it looks like my index exposure will have to do for now.
I have an interest in the stocks above if and only if they can get through yesterday’s high plus .10 cents.
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