There’s not much to say today, the SP500 is pulling back a little, all normal action, like I said yesterday; the market goes up and down not up or down.
Donald Trump said some positives thing about coal yesterday, I have a few coal-related stocks on my list today; $WLB, $ARCH, $CLD and $CNX. There’s been some recent insider buying in $CNX.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed
House Joint Resolution 38 to stop the costly Stream Protection Rule from further harming coal workers and the communities that depend on them. H.J.Res. 38 blocks an overly burdensome regulation that threatened the coal industry with millions of dollars in compliance costs, reduced coal production, and fewer jobs.
Since 2009, the coal industry has declined, leaving workers and communities without a lifeline. Over 36,000 jobs have been lost without any relief in sight. From 2009 to 2015, American coal production has declined by over 177,000,000 tons, and over 600 coal mines have closed. H.J.Res. 38 will give coal country relief from these harmful regulations created under the Obama Administration.
During the campaign, President Trump promised coal workers he would support them and reverse the harmful actions of the past administration. Since taking office, President Trump has been steadfast in his commitment to reducing the regulatory burden on all Americans, their pocketbooks, and their businesses. President Trump has required that for every new Federal regulation, two existing regulations be eliminated.
Here is the rest of the list;
We have an interest in these stocks if and only if they can get through yesterday’s high plus .10-cents, that is typically where out buy stops will be. This single criterion will narrow down your list to a handful of names unless of course, the market is super strong. You can also narrow down the list by float, price, sector, preference, etc.
These ideas are what we consider swing trades that can last anywhere from 1-10 days. Most stocks if not all go through momentum burst that lasts 1-10 days that momentum burst is what we look to take advantage of.
Frank Zorrilla, Registered Advisor In New York. If you need a second opinion, suggestions, and or feedback in regards to the market feel free to reach me at or 646-480-7463.
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