1/5 WATCHLIST; Finding Stocks Before They Breakout.
Swings of interest if and only if they can get through yesterday’s high.
1. Buy Stop .10cents above yesterday’s high.
2. Stop, generally at 3-day low or breakout day low.
3. 1-10 day holds looking for 5-20% move.
4. The market will either get you in or keep you out. In if they go thru yesterday’s high plus .10, out if they don’t.
5. Once your orders are hit everything you can possibly control is out of your hands, cheering them on like horses won’t make a difference.
6. In the short-term what matters the most is momentum and mean reversion.
Frank Zorrilla, Registered Advisor In New York. If you need a second opinion, suggestions, and or feedback in regards to the market feel free to reach me at fzorrilla@zorcapital.com or 646-480-7463.
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